Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Don Smitty
The health care bill mite destroy the Democratic Party. According to a recent poll only 40% of Americans know that Obama Care is the law of the land. WoW! How many people are going to be caught off guard in a few months when they get a letter in the mail from the IRS telling them that they will have to pay a fine if they do not PURCHASE health insurance! There are going to be a lot of pissed off voters out there that will hold the Democratic Party responsible.

The two party system is broken, and both sides are to blame for pandering to their extreme lobbies. There isn't a politician currently in office that I have any respect for. They all suck.

I agree. All they care about is getting re-elected. They don't give a crap about you or me.

I woke up this morning with nothing to do and went to bed with only half of it done.
