My cellie in MCI Concord was from the North end and he said he was around after Patsy shot that kid when the police and everything were at the scene, he said Limoli was a really tough kid and extremely likeable he also told me Patsy and Limoli were practically best friends. My cellie was originally from the North end but owned a pizza shop called West End Pizza in Revere, he's doing 16-20 now or something around that for cocaine trafficking and firearms charges I'm sure you've heard of the case. People say the coke was in the sauce cans but they never found anything in sauce cans,they found nearly two kilos in a sealed Coca-Cola container(in his home), opening it because they "smelt coffee grounds". Only coke found in his shop believe it or not belonged to someone else who worked there. Dom's mistake was selling directly out of the place and obviously dealing with the weak link who caused it all. Sorry for veering off subject I just feel bad for the guy now that he's doing so much time