Handsoome stevie, ive heard Johnny Chang is the #3. Idk if that meant hes consiglieri or under. Thats just exactly how i heard it. First time hearing the name was two weeks ago, i didnt know much about him, still dont.

Assuming theres a consiglieri, its not Joe Scoops. He is a big earner, and a politician, you are right but hes a bit short on the balls department. Dont get me wrong hes stand up as they come, but he just dodged a big bullet by getting acquitted. He has every right to be timid right now. On top of getting caught on tape by Nicky Skins, remember he was ratted on by Fresolone years ago. Hes got every reason not to meet any new guys, i doubt hes going to be consiglieri. Hes also been around forever. He knows that family has a history of being unstable and killing off powerful guys from Newark. He will think back to the last north jersey guy who became consiglieri, Tony Bananas. Look what happened to him. He'll remember every powerful guy that ever came from Down NEck like he did. Most ended up dead or ratted. Bannanas, Specs, Sodano. He became captain out of attrition. He was not a violent, scary guy, he was an old numbers guy. Scoops has respect bc of seniority. He made all his money the old fashion way. Gambling and loans. If anything, he keeps his spot warm for Fazzini, who takes over the day he gets out. Sorry for the long post i know a bit more about the nj philly crew, you guys can pm me if you want to know anything more about its past captains, etc.