Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Well, I either do the bike or, as a last resort, the treadmill for half an hour. Additionally, I work the upper body with weight machines. I do fly/delt, rowing, chest press, overhead press and a couple more. My goal is to tone and tighten as I lose. At my age, losing weight can leave you a bit "saggy", so I figure the cardio will work the legs, and the machines will do the other half!

SB, I'm impressed! Are you inspired by a certain person we know?

In my quest to lose 20 lbs and improve my overall cardio, I jogged 2.5 miles on the Ventnor, NJ boardwalk. An absolute gorgeous day.

BTW, I bought a new bicycle seat called "EasySeat II". It does not have a "nose". That's the part that stick out and causes all sorts of male discomfort. My boys were having a bad time with the older seat, but that's too personal to relate. The EasySeat has been a bit of a trial getting used to. You don't realize how much the nose holds you up. Without it, the boys are riding free and easy, but your weight is pitched forward and the wrists take up the strain. I've ridden four times with the new seat. The last time I went 7+ miles. Some wrist stress. I've had to raise the handlebars, lower the seat and change the angle, but overall, it is be a big improvement in comfort.

Last edited by MaryCas; 06/04/13 06:32 PM.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12