I thought I'd start a thread on this show. It may end up just being Afs & I that watch it but instead of taking up the random thread, I copied/pasted the last couple comments and started a new thread. smile

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Afs, I feel asleep after about a half hour last night. I notice it is on "on demand" so I think I'll watch it tonight. Did you catch it last night?


I usually get to watch everything a couple of days later, since I'd have to download them and watch them during weekdays. Anyway, I've just watched this, it was two episode premier and quite long. I too fall asleep halfway through, then I woke up and had to watch the last half of it again. lol It apparently is going to deal with the case she had prior to the time the series started, you know, that kid that was drawing the same thing over and over again, having spent six days with his mother's corpse. sick The husband was charged for her murder, but Sara isn't sure they got the right guy. He is on the death row now and quite a piece of work himself.

Yes, it seems tho this current killer in jail was from one of Sarah's old cases that she thought was a slam dunk but is now wondering if he is the murderer. To be clear, the boy who drew the pictures is connected (brother?) to the original dead girl in the old case right? confused

(I don't know all the characters' names yet, but the girl they show in the beginning getting into the car is the same girl the young boy likes and is searching for right?

Also, the girl that was on the bridge in the beginning sure has a doozie of a mother doesn't she? Geez rolleyes

Oh, and yes and back to the prisoner? Wow, what a psycho they way he beat the pastor. OMG! panic Even if he didn't commit that one murder, I have a feeling he's where he belongs. LOL


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon