
When the Italian-language articles first came out on May 8 (some may have been published on May 7), they mentioned that Fernandez and Pimentel were fugitives, being sought, etc., as these two were going to be arrested once caught and were going to be charged with certain offences -- just as the 21 others had been arrested and charged in Operazione Argo on May 7 or thereabouts.

Only one day after the articles were published did the revelation come out that Fernandez and Pimentel had very likely been killed on April 9 -- this predates the roundup of the 21 by four weeks.

Perhaps the Sicilians in Bagheria anticipated a roundup one month beforehand and collectively decided, for who knows what reasons, to eliminate Fernandez and Pimentel -- bear in mind that Carmelo Bartolone of Bagheria went missing in February and has not yet been found, so there might have been important background information about the internal dissent in Bagheria to which we are not privy. Or perhaps only a few of the Sicilians in Bagheria were in on the plot to kill Fernandez and Pimentel, regardless of whether orders came from Canada.

Fernandez could have had interaction with Pietro Scaduto (allegedly one of his killers) in the Montreal area in the 1990s or in the Toronto area in 2004 or both, as the latter was serving as a bodyguard and muscle for Michele Modica. Fernandez also could have had interaction with Salvatore Scaduto (also allegedly one of his killers) in the Montreal area in the 1990s.

Peter Scarcella, although at odds with Modica, could also have had interaction with Pietro Scaduto in the Toronto area in 2004. I sometimes forget that when Scarcella and others were charged a year after the California Sandwiches shootings in Toronto in 2004, he was not charged in relation to the 2004 attempted murders of Modica et al. because he apparently plotted to kill Modica after the 2004 incident.

The pentito who is also one of Fernandez and Pimentel's killers, Giuseppe Carbone, has claimed the Scaduto brothers were trying to wrest power in Bagheria after the murder of those two and that the brothers had a plan to kill Modica as soon as Modica got out of prison.

When you look at all the connections and interactions between Vito Rizzuto, Raynald Desjardins, Fernandez, Scarcella, Modica, the Scadutos, and the Carbones (Giuseppe Carbone's brother Andrea also acted as one of Modica's bodyguards in Toronto), you start to see there are many angles and theories as to how and why Fernandez and Pimentel were killed.