Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: Tyler_Durden
This thread was adressed from the beginning to "Chicago guys", and you were not-so-subtly told that your input wasn't wanted by the OP.

maybe you need a little education as far as how an open forum operates. there is no "only so and so can post in this thread" crap that you seem to think is the case. we have a feature called PM (stands for private message wink ) where you can have a conversation with only a select few if you want to go that route.

Thank you for your input. I know how a forum operates. I know there was nothing preventing IvyLeague from posting in this thread. Nothing other than decency, that is.

The OP said: "Looking for the Chicago guys to weigh-in."
Coupled with: "If you have a theory based on an FBI report, get fucked and start another thread."

IvyLeague is not a Chicago guy, and is exactly a guy with "a theory based on an FBI report". So clearly the thread wasn't for him.

Sure, there's nothing expressly preventing him from posting. But why be a jerk about it? By his own admission IvyLeague was having the same debate in 4 other threads, so why start it here also? Anyone can see it's very disrespectful.

So, to sum up: unwanted opinion + redundant post + provoking another member= ruined thread = a dick move wink