Originally Posted By: Lou_Para
If we can throw comedies in I would say "The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight." Supposedly there were a lot of similarities to the Gallo crew and their associates. Also it features a very young DeNiro in what I think was one of his first roles.On the other side of the coin, I think that Gotti with Assante was one of the worst movies ever. Other than the fact that there were people named John Gotti,Sam Gravano,Neil DellaCroce,and Angelo Ruggiero in real life there is very little to separate this film from the fiction category. Also I wasn't a big fan of Assante's performance,not because he can't act,but because Gotti was such a one-dimensional mook that it doesn't take much of a stretch to portray him.Take an average actor,dress him in a suit,do his hair and have him either perform mayhem or threaten mayhem,and you pretty much have it down.

What do you think of Witness To The Mob if you've seen it?