Originally Posted By: Lilo
Interesting take. I may be biased since I am a Stark fan but shouldn't Jaime have tried a different solution than throwing Bran out of the window? And once his sister got married wasn't it selfish to continue things with her?

His solutions are very short and uncomplicated. wink He didn't say for example to capture that man and take him with us, or without killing the king, he didn't find another solution to disarm him. He does what he think is necessary fast and without emotion. Also, he is a king's guard, so he can't marry or have children. These houses marry for station, not love. And his sister doesn't like Robert one bit. She loves him and he loves her in return. Do you remember him saying to Cat that he at least has always been faithful to her sister, unlike Ned who has strayed? I'm not saying he isn't selfish or he is moral. But given the chance to do something good when it doesn't cost him much, he does the right thing, he is loyal to those he cares about and he is not downright evil like his offspring. tongue

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones