Originally Posted By: pmac
wow so the gov wants to take 8 million$$$ from vinny and $4mill from the defilpo. these guys knew they were going to jail and probably didn't have shit in there name or maybe? are these guys families all homeless and pennyless on the street.how do you get blood from a stone

It's not an act, even if the goverment wants to believe it is. Vinny's family doesn't have any millions stashed away. They're not the Gottis (as far as their financials go), and they're not having an easy time of it. I can testify to that.

Like you say, pmac, you can't squeeze blood from a rock. Fuck the government. Tell them to get their money from Eric Holder. He's turning out to be a bigger scumbag than any street guy I've ever known, and I've known a lot of them.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.