Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
But I think it's a bit too far to say America is a "Christian nation". If we are a Christian nation than we would follow everything the bible and god says. This would include genocide, stoning our children, and all sorts of random rules that dont belong in a modern society.

If you don't believe that America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, then you've been living under a rock. And I can't help but notice that when citing examples of Christianity, you went right to "genocide and "stoning our children." You didn't mention any of the good. But I guess you just can't help yourself.

Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
I don't object to Christianity, nor people who follow it.

You say this.

Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
If Christianity were used as a foundation for political decisions and in the business world we'd be back in the dark ages

And then you post this.

Well make up your fucking mind. Why is it that every time---EVERY FUCKING TIME---you post your contempt for religion, it's Christianity you use as the example?

I can't help but notice how much you plead for tolerance where gay marriage is concerned---and you know I agree with you there. But when it come to Christianity, you refuse to show the very same tolerance you ask for when you get up on your soapbox about your own cause.

Now I don't agree with half of Ivy's politics. Maybe less than half. But what's right is right. When you can't shake the man's faith, you resort to throwing blanket statements at the Christian faith. Bringing up medieval examples like "stoning" and "genocide" to make your point. It's hypocritical, and in its own way it's just as hateful as anything the right wing evangelists say (and God only knows I'm not a fan of theirs).

But I'm done with this thread. And I'm done with you.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.