Respect Polak Vet.
The best analogy I can come with is the Sopranos, now, as we know the show is fiction, but we also know that the show took the illicit scam storys from real life.
Tony had the HUD scam going with Zelman and the black assemblyman. Tony sees that there is potential for more money to be juiced from the copper pipe. He has Zelman get the black assemblyman to send some gangbangers down there and remove the crack heads from the premises.
On the other side of it you have the time when Bobby got his eye shot out by the black gangbangers. Does that mean they are more organized?
Respect Black Familyl; you sound like an educated fellow.

Last edited by vinnietoothpicks26; 05/07/13 10:38 AM.

Frank Costello: Fucking rats. It's wearing me thin. Mr. French: Francis, it's a nation of fucking rats.