The outfit members that was the closest to capone never flipped, the few that have was so low level or had absolutely no contact with al to know anything, and as far as his family goes do u remember rthe capone brother that ran away? Well his son said in an interview that he remember seeing capone holding meetings with chicago gangsters, and if u read his grandniece (diedra capone) book "my uncle al" she said he use to visit his mother in chicago and meet with chicago gangsters in her house, and she also said after dinner al capone and his brothers use to go to a separate room and look over the gambling books, and as far as the fbi goes they knew capone was up to something they just could'nt prove it, just like chin was boss and it tooked years before they could prove it, the fbi is always 1 step slow, its not blind faith its facts

"McGurn likes you, so I make you. So you are now one of us, if you fuck up, we take it out on McGurn. He is your sponsor. Fuck up, it's his ass. You work in his crew, he is your capo."