You're correct, ht2. In The Last Testament of Lucky Luciano he made the claim that Maranzano had him strung up and beaten. Only problem is that that book is a fraud and contradicts known reliable information. I wrote a lengthy article obliterating that book in Informer magazine last year. As for who he ratted on in 1926, the Bureau of Narcotics reported that it was a friend of his named Steve Armone, who was later a capo in the Gambino Family.

Not about Lucky but the same topic, Carlo Gambino, as a boss, reportedly told the police (maybe through one of his men) about a thief or a burglar. I read this many years ago and I think the source was Don Carlo: Boss of Bosses by Paul Meskil. If I recall correctly it was basically away to get rid of an annoyance and the guy was sent to prison.