Goin to hit back today probably include some deadlifts.
Will look something like this

Reverse grip Pulldown/4 sets 10-12
T-Bar Row/4sets/8-12
Seated Cable Row/3sets/10-12
Dumbell Row/3sets/8-12

Also have started doing about 15-20 minutes daily cardio after my workouts to shed remaining fat hoping to see my abs a lot more than I can now. I feel like 15 mins. of cardio a day is better for myself personally because I'm just starting now after not running a single lap since I was in prison and still only ran for like half a summer. Point being anymore than a good paced 15ish minutes on the treadmill then possibly some stepmill a day is plenty for me and results will show I'm sure

Last edited by southend; 04/30/13 11:38 AM.