Chiming in quickly. I live in that neighborhood too. Vinny Jr. reportedly is made. His mother's address was listed as his for the latest gambling indictment. Take that for what it's worth. Anthony reportedly was made too and took off when his father was indicted. I won't mention the other 2 by name as they've never been OC, but they were the ones involved in the alleged assault after a neighbor called the cops on the youngest. Don't know the whole story behind that, other than the guy's eye was messed up! None of 'em are known as angels, but not a big problem either. Gotta feel for 'em. For whatever Vinny did, it's easy for us to call him out. But when you're a kid, you love your dad unconditionally. Add to that the fact he provided them a good home. Them pooof, it's gone in an instant and he's still alive, but mine as well not be in terms of what he can do for you while rotting behind bars. Gotta feel for 'em.