The last known ceremony was in the late 1980's but, considering Mike Sarno is made, there may have been ceremonies since then. At least I don't recall seeing mention of him being made prior to that. That said, there's definitely a downward trend; much more so then the other remaining families. Where we saw estimates of 50-70, say, 10 or 15 years ago, the latest estimates don't top 30 members.

Far from reaching throughout the country, let alone to other countries, the Outfit is now a local mob just like the families in Boston, New Jersey, and Philadelphia. The vast majority of Outfit operations don't extend beyond Chicago and it's suburbs within Cook County. And if some articles over the past decade are any guide, the Outfit has intentionally downsized itself and streamlined it's operations in order to create a smaller profile. That may explain the sharp decrease in numbers.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.