They'd both rat. We'd all rat. If you're still youngish and you've got kids and you're facing 30 years in the can theres something wrong with you if you don't rat.

I always find the fiercely loyal guys the strangest. The unwaveringly loyal ones are usually the psychos. They happily kill and manipulate for a living but they'll lose their freedom forever to keep their buddies out of jail??? Fuck that!!!

He may not rat but i wouldn't trust a guy like that not to put a bullet in my head over something innocuous like a spilled drink. He clearly isn't a sane, rational guy.

Omertà only makes sense when you fear the consequences of telling more than the consequences of not telling. Whether thats because you fear god (the making ceremony), fear yourself (guilt/suicide) or you fear your gang, those are only excuses for not ratting. Other than that, as nice and idealistic as it sounds, Omertà is a concept for psychos and goes against everything that comes natural to our basic animal instincts.

Last edited by johnnyboysala; 04/03/13 10:24 AM.