Originally Posted By: EastHarlemItal
Did LCN have a hand in blowing off JFK's head? If so who were the main players!

Highly doubtful. Blakey's dog and pony show at the HSCA in the 70's was to steer away any scrutiny on the actual conspirators. At the most a disposable mechanic or two was used. The reason that mob inclusion is always part the JFK conspiracy tales is due to the close relationships of MOB ,anti-Castro and CIA(some of these actors were involved).Remember that the Warren Commission had no clue that the CIA/MOB were in cahoots to assassinate "The Beard". There are however scores of conspiracy theories that include Roselli along with Nicoletti and his driver at the time James Sutton aka Jimmy Files. Those theories have since been debunked.

Colin Sullivan: "What Freud said about the Irish is: We're the only people who are impervious to psychoanalysis."

Cincotti said: "They don't have the scruples that we have." Zannino agreed. "You know how I knew they weren't Italiano? When they bombed the fucking house. We don't do that."