Couldnt wait for this thread to start..gotta love baseball just got done watching the mlb show where everone made thier pre season pics..I will start out west....
Al west;Angles texas will suffer with that loss of hamilton
Nl west;Ladodgers beceuse even they have a better staff than Sf who will be 2nd and take the wild card..
Al central;Detroit wins cle a tough 2nd, no wild card cause of al east.
Nl central;Reds votto might compete for tripple crown..
Al EAST;Tampa i think will win it.. Balt/Tor will compete 4 second and a wildcard..Nyy wont do Sh$$t...And Toronto will compete but may be 3rd place got some pitching but gotta have bats..
Nl east; Atl..I hate to say it..Phi second and Wash third but this will be an amazeing year watchin these three play one another this year..i think all three teams will have about 88-95 wins..Even one of these teams might hit a wildcard chance