Originally Posted By: DuesPaid
Leg routine

Today i'll be throwin my legs a severe beating...

Squats - 5 sets/8-12
Leg Press - 4 sets/8-15
Front Squat - 4 sets/10-12
Lying Hamstring Curl - 4 sets/5-10
Walking Barbell Lunges - 3 sets -><-
Quad Extensions - 4 sets/to failure

Did legs today, each set was 4 of 10
Got these out excluding the last two on list. Not sure I could do again, already feeling it and certainly will feel tomorrow.
Ran Track many years ago so legs have strength, but man the swats are brutal.

If I attempt this routine for legs again may cut it in half and add something else,
Maybe Monday, Not a spring chicken anymore.



Great leg routine DP. Very similar to what my own would look like. Keep doing what your doing and watch the results!

Originally Posted By: NickyScarfo
Originally Posted By: southend
Originally Posted By: NickyScarfo
I'm really hitting a wall with my bodybuilding/powerlifting. Hit a decent size for my frame which is an ectomorph but would love more size and strength. currently 6 foot 1 and 200 pounds. Tried most supplements, currently I'm on serious mass by gold standard, along with their normal protein shake. Also take C4 as a pre and Celltech for creatine.
Me and my house mate have been considering juicing recently but can anyone suggest how to break through your bodies natural barriers without? I do a lot of compound powerlifting and also bodybuilding.

What i can suggest if you want more size and strength (who doesnt) is this. You want more size you need to not only eat the right foods but you need to be eating enough and never substitue quality solid food with a protein shake EVER.Allow yourself a cheat day once a week and eat whatever you want.You need to be consuming about 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight per day.Like cottage cheese?Tolerate it?Eat a couple servings of it before bed with crackers or whatever,it contains casein protein which breaks down in your body slower than whey,therefore providing your body with proteins throughout the hours you are asleep.Bottom line:EAT EAT EAT!
And to build more strength i know you say you do a combination of powerlifting/bodybuilding as your style of training. Are you taking atleast one day a week in the gym to work on your one rep max,like on the bench,or with your deads or squats? You should if you really want to up your strength.

Yeah dude thanks some good points, had heard about the cottage cheese thing. Yep I always look for my one rep max on my compounds, always trying to push it up. They are slowly creeping up but very slowly now after about 3 years of training.

So your primary concern as far as boosting strength is to get stronger with your bench deadlift and squat. Set up an adjustable bench(or non-adjustable,long as its not bolted to the floor) inside the power rack at your gym. Set the bars at a level where you usually hit your sticking point in the pressing- up-phase of your bench press. Load up your bar and press from there. In other words, these are called "partials". Do these Nicky, n thank me later wink lol. You can also do partial-rep dead lifts using the same technique with the power rack, I'll suggest setting the pins at about mid-shin level.