Thug Life? No one persue a thug life, it is just the only thing they are qualified to do. What else can they do after dropping out of high school because they want to party all the time, can't hold a job and have very poor social skill and resent being told what to do.

Most of them do not live past the age of 20, robbing and killing people to make ends meet, join violent gangs for sense of belongingness and family, spend most of their life in prison and when they are free, the first thing they do is find a despreate women to live on and mistreat. Those who do sell drugs have to watch their backs because they are likely to be hit by up and coming dope dealers in order take over their territory. No,they don't just take from rich, white people. They would gun down a 90 year old black man just to take his last $10. Blacks are really their victims, not whites. They just want what you have. That's the real thug life, being killed for stealing a 3 year old car. Some life!

There was black gangs, dealers since the 20's or even earlier. So gangs did not start in the 90's.

If you look at the record instead of hearing a rap CD, you will know that most blacks are Democrats and is unlikely to like any Republicans in office. For example, they did not like Nixon, Bush (41 & 43), Eisenhour(sp). Hell, they won't listen to their proposals.

In all, Tupac mission was the sell CD's and most people who really buy their CD's and attend the concert seats of rappers are white youths, falling for their crap. I suggest you stop listening to Tupac. What can a 20 something years old punk who was high most of his life tell you about life anyway.

Charles Mason thought their were some truth and hidden messages in the Beatles "White Album". Look where he ended up.

Send the car for me too, mama