Originally Posted By: Viceguy
Wanted to call this thing All Appalachia All The Time, catchy but pompous as hell, specially from somebody who knows jack shit. I know what the average schmoo knows from following the zillion reports since that milestone confab in 57.

What I don't know is what they were busted for, what law they had violated, those that managed to track through the bush only to land in the clutches of the Mayberry Marshals. And whatever they had come to settle (heard all kind of stuff), why'd it take 100 plus mopes, if reports are to be believed. Some accounts said they were all bosses! 100 bosses!

Point I'd like to make is, forever after Appalacha when I heard 'organized crime', I'd reflexly think of that cozy, sleepy burb upstate NY. Think of the catering, lodging, amenities for that many palookas! TP alone must have been carted in by dump truck. And to think if not by chance some cowboy cop had been a wee bit curious, only those involved would've ever known it even took place! It certainly took well ordered planing and and cooperation of many disparate egos to even conceive of such a convoluted undertaking--in secrecy yet. And, remember, these guys were poor uneducated immigrants from an undeveloped island across the ocean...who could barely speak English!...-No wonder Hoover said they didn't exist...the embarrassment!

read more about it. very interesting.