Be cool mad , Skin, you got some uptight anal white cats on these boards. One called me a racist moron dog bigot. First time in my 60 something years for that! Me and my Italian mate of 30 years busted a gut over that one. (guess he thought I was one of yall - love it when whites display delicate sensitivities.)

Racist jokes? C'mon. Shits funny or its not. My boy calls it uncensored thought.

Tell you about the time I tried to register at a mafia hotel? This big neck dude says sorry, we don't serve your kind.
Sorry, I said. You misunderstand. It's not for me; It's for my wife. She your kind.

Skin, hit me on the pm. See what you got.

N..... or no, bastard had balls, shame to kill him...
I got nuthin', I got nuthin...

Coming to bb is like going to the dollar store. You came for one thing, but once in now youse cant leave.