Originally Posted By: Joenevada
I'd like to test the waters here. Can't resist. I'm getting old and just have to wonder who else knows what I know.

If you know who Carlo Gambino answered to in the 1950's....type his initials below.

I can tell you a hint. I've never seen his name mentioned.

What do you mean by "answered to"? Would you care elaborate that a little bit? Gambino was a member under Mangano and Anastasia. There was a time when he was the provisional boss, named by the Commission right after the Anastasia killing and made boss by the Family some years after.

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
There's never been a boss of bosses in the U.S. Maranzano tried that back in the day and it didn't end too well for him. The closest thing was Toto Riina over in Sicily.

Actually Ivy, there are five bosses in US Mafia history known to have been boss of bosses: Pepe Morello, Tata D´Aquila, Joe Masseria, Gaspare Messina and Salvatore Maranzano (the last one).

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