Originally Posted By: spmob
Originally Posted By: SnickersMagillicutti
You're right but yes I am hoping he gets off. I mean it would be better than seeing Casey Anthony get off wouldn't it?

Your comparing apples and snickers bars here for Christs sakes. She is already off. Fuck that baby killing whore. I don't care if he gets off or not at this point because I don't know all the details. But Im not going to be wearing pom poms and rooting for him like hes any Olympic hero.

I agree. She's a vile c*unt and I hope she dies a thousand times. Same goes for a pedophile like Jerry Sandusky. I have a daughter in her third year at Penn State. If given the chance I would have killed that cocksucker myself in the heat of the moment.

But you can't just randomly apply the theory that it's better to convict only the worst of the worst. It's arbitrary and in a civilized society law and order doesn't work like that. Now don't get me wrong, I don't want to see anyone doing time for things like bookmaking. But if a guy is a dead to rights murderer, I'm not rooting for him to beat the charges unless I know that the victim raped his wife or daughter (or something along those lines).

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.