Originally Posted By: Skinny
Ahhh i heard of TB.... Whos he with pb?

He was with Tony Megale, and he was pretty tight with Gerry the Head, Johnny Rosa, Stoogie. Those old time Stamford guys who hung around the golf course and the boatyard. He was also close to the Riccitellis up in Bridgeport and New Haven. He had friends all over, though. He was actually pretty friendly with Vinny Basciano, which is kinda bizarre because two more different people in this world do not exist.

I know you're a student of the sportsbook, Skin. So believe me when I tell you, those guys made MILLIONS with Taylor. But he pretty much gave things up after his last stretch. Last I heard he had a half sheet, which would be like Obama going back to being a community organizer. But Taylor was a MUCH better bookmaker than Obama is a President lol.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.