Originally Posted By: Viceguy

Joe Bonnano and all those other wash-outs on social media reliving their glory days, while not technically giving anybody up, certainly cross a line. Does that make them rats? I think that's best settled by how they're viewed by those concerned: fellow mobsters.

Just how is Jr. viewed by former friends?

I really have no idea on how other mobsters feel about Junior. I'm sure Junior has plenty of supporters who view what he did differently then i do.

But to me it's pretty simple, you give up info on crimes committed by others to the cops or feds then in my book that is a rat move. It's not just mob guys i'm talking about, but pretty much any criminal who gives the law info on crimes committed by other people.

It's just how i see it, i'm really not trying to start any arguments with anyone over it, just saying the way i look at it. But if someone see's it differently then thats fine with me, we just see it differently.

And don't even get me started on Joe Bonanno. WTF was he thinking when he wrote that book of his? Not too cool in my opinion but again i know other people think differently about it.