Originally Posted By: Ghost_Town_Jimmy

Wouldn't they have to give up something solid and proveable in their proffer sessions so the government knows they're being straight-up with them? If so,basically everyone who's ever had one is a rat regardless of the fact that they backed out.

Well Jimmy the way i look at it is that any criminal who gives info on crimes committed by others to the feds is a rat. Personally i don't care if it's in a proffer session or if it's totally off the books. You give info on crimes committed by other people to the feds then i would consider that person to be a rat. To tell you the truth i'm kind of surprised others don't see it that way but thats cool, i guess people just see things differently.

And when i say people that give info to the feds i mean other criminals, not the general public who give info to law enforcement on a crime.

As far as Gotti goes he might not of given up as much info that i thought he did. If you read my last post you'll see that after i found info saying Gotti didn't rat on Johnny G and Danny Marino i posted it and said i was wrong. Hell i'm not trying to bullshit anyone, if i find out i was wrong i'll say it.

At this point i'm not sure what Gotti gave them or didn't give them. Ok we know Angelo was dead when Junior implicated him but what about the 2 other guys who Gotti said did the hit with Angelo? Did he give up their names? I really don't know, but if he did then what would you call it?

And when you ask if everyone who goes to a proffer session is a rat? Well in my opinion if the person goes to one of those Queen for a day proffer sessions and gives info on crimes committed by others then yes to me that person is a rat. If you only implicate yourself then no, that person didn't cross the line and didn't rat on anyone but themselves.

I totally respect Skinny's and everyone elses opinion on it, but i guess i just see it differently.