Originally Posted By: 22
I brought this up before but when that home invasion in Staten Island went bad and they killed that women Chris Paciello never even got out of the car,was never in the house yet still got charged like the guys that did the shooting.Just the fact that Nicodemo was there makes him guilty,I don't think it matters who the attorney is.

It's called the Felony Murder Statute, 22. And you're absolutely right. It varies from state to state, but the gist of it reads that if someone is killed during the commission of a crime, everyone involved in said crime, up and down the line, is just as guilty as the shooter.

That's the charge that that little punk Lillo Brancato was facing a few years ago when his pal killed that Bronx cop during a drug induced botched robbery. He beat it, though. But the cases are apples and oranges. They had the shooter in the Brancato case, and if I remember correctly he got something like twenty five to life.

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