Originally Posted By: dsbaloo
you cant throw a rock in los angeles without hitting a weed store... especially in the san fernando valley..there is literally a weed shop every few stores.. theyre more common than starbucks...porno and weed is what the valley is all about..i know a guy who owns 4.. and know a good amount of kids who have worked in them.. funny thing is theyre all crooked and ran by criminals in one way or another, some just have a guy with a clean record on paper.. even the russians have moved into the biz.. theyre still getting fucked by raids and stuff constantly.
i remember my friend went to sell one club a 10pack.. anyways for some reason the guys wanted to meet him in the back alley and not in the store, red flag if you ask me, anyways he shows up with the 10 pounds in a duffle bag and gets 2 mac10s pulled on him. fuckers tried to rob him.. he called their bluff and took off running down the boulevard, luckily a friends store was a few blocks away and he made it out safely.. these clubs get robbed a lot more than they say in the news as well.

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