Can we all agree that Gotti Sr was at least by silent consent a dealer in dope? My understanding is he was never ultimately charged--but wasn't that the government assumption even tho they never presented concrete evidence?

I mean is it even remotely possible that Fat Ang, Gene, and Carnig could have handled powder and Johnny Boy not know, since they were undoubtedly kicking up?

(When mobbed up lawyer Mike Corio went up for Heroin Johnny Boy was caught on tape saying, "We're sorry, Mike, you know we're sorry..." for what, getting caught dealing junk?)

In conclusion, its reasonable, right, that he, like a lot goombas poo-pooed the injunction against drugs?

N..... or no, bastard had balls, shame to kill him...
I got nuthin', I got nuthin...

Coming to bb is like going to the dollar store. You came for one thing, but once in now youse cant leave.