Michael Caine, imo needs to be recognized as one of the best actors of all time. I like how DeNiros characters have all changed from whackadoo neighborhood guy, to tough guy, to hardened ex spy or cop... I enjoy Jason Statham, not just bc hes an action star... Watch his earlier films with Guy Ritchie, hes hilarious, he doesnt become a tough guy until those Driver films. Matt Damon is another one of my favorites, hes a great actor. Ben Affleck is a lot better than most of the roles he plays imho... Morgan Freeman, Denzel are fantastic actors. Sean Penn is good. Tom hanks, George Clooney has great talent, no matter what ppl think of him.. Same with Brad Pitt, look at his character in 12 Monkeys... Clive Owen, Tommy Lee Jones... I could go on forever... Cant get enough movies