Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
I'm just thinking out loud here, but i don't see them offering Nicodemo no third degree murder plea. They're trying to roll him and they know he isn't go to roll over a 3rd degree murder beef.

Agreed, Gianni. Not in a million years. If it helps get his Uncle get to sleep at night, then I understand why he's telling that to people (for his family's sake). But it's wishful thinking.

They have the guy dead to rights. Even if the witnesses recant, the cops have the proverbial "smoking gun." The only way that goes away is by saying the gun wasn't his. And unless he's willing to say who the gun belonged to, that argument won't hold water. So again, it all comes back to whether or not he rats.

By the way, the premeditated murder of an informant in the State of Pennsylvania carries the death penalty, if the prosecutors decide to ask for it.

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