Interesting note worth sharing that Prince fans (or me and Lilo pretty much) should consider with the new website to buy songs of his.

In 2010, he sat down with the Peach & Black podcast team (a great podcast fans should subscribe to) and told them that he was getting ownership for his masters back from Warner Bros. after 30 years from its original release has lapsed. He also informed them that his first 6 albums (at that time) he had already remastered them and was just waiting to be released.

Now we're in 2013, and by then he's subsequently regained ownership (if what he said was true) of CONTROVERSY and 1999. Next year, he'll get back the crown jewel of his discography in PURPLE RAIN...which was his 6th album.

Not saying anything, but theoretically he could put those first 5 albums up for sale at any time on that 3rdeyegirl website or any future website of his, remastered and make all the money for himself.