Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
Does putting the sauce on top of the cheese rather then under it really make that much difference?

Surprisingly so. Their rationale is putting a layer of cheese on top of the dough prevents the sauce from making the dough too soggy. The cheese acts like a layer through which the sauce won't run.

Shit, I'm hungry now.

I mentioned this to a friend of mine about the sauce over the cheese at L&B's and he told me how in Trenton they've been doing that for many years. They call it a Trenton Style Tomato Pie and told me he loved them. He highly suggested to me that the next time i'm in the Trenton area i should check out DeLorenzo's Pizza and DeLorenzo's Tomato Pies. They're brothers competing against each other. Also a place in Trenton called Papa's Tomato Pies.

All the times i've been to Trenton and i never knew about them so i want to check them out for myself. They're supposed to be really good.

Here's a couple sites that talks about these Trenton style Tomato Pies and the DeLorenzo's.

