Originally Posted By: FrankMazola
Question on the 'no show'. Well, 'no shows' in general. What is the crime in paying someone for a no show job. I mean, provided the employer wasn't extorted, where is the crime? This is especially true of Ligambi's specific "no show". After all, he got the company this cash cow account. Doesn't that warrant continuing commissions in the form of paychecks?

The jobs are illegal because the recipients are getting pensions and insurance PAID FOR by the otherwise working members of the local. As a result, over time the rank and file members of the union end up with crappier and crappier benefits. It's union corruption, plain and simple.

Honestly, Frank, why is that so hard to understand? I mean, I'm sorry for the rant and all, but as you know I was a Teamster and eventually a delegate for 25 years. I've seen the decline of the benefits firsthand and I've also seen what the loss of benefits have done to the working class families in the union.

And for what? So some Goombah can get his benefits paid free while he sits on his lazy ass and some poor working schmuck pours fucking concrete or drives a truck all fucking day?

I don't really give a shit about the gambling and that other crap. As a matter of fact, I don't give a shit about the Philly family at all. They're a joke at this point and even the Philly locals know it. But these charges get under my skin because I spent a lifetime in service to organized labor.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.