The Mafia, the Hells Angels biker and street gangs are now a team within a broad alliance in Montreal, a formidable business partnership in which the police are confronted for the first time.

This is the police chief of Montreal, Marc Parent, who has himself confirmed to the Journal yesterday in an interview.

"Even street gangs come to associate with the bikers and the Italian Mafia, we understand that business associations are not seen as illegitimate before. Now, what happens with organized crime, it is like a Lego building blocks, "the chief imaged Parent, citing the" structure "with multiple colors.

"Buy peace"

According to him, the various factions of organized crime in Montreal have joined forces to "buy a form of peace and achieve a single purpose: to make money."

"They come together to take advantage of all sorts of illicit activities, whether drug trafficking, firearms, trafficking and even white-collar crime. They together define the markets they want to develop and optimize their respective expertise. There are no borders, "he said, in the light of observations made by the officers on the ground in recent months.

Return of the sponsor

According to the number one SPVM return the sponsor Vito Rizzuto, who seems to have taken over the reins of the Montreal Mafia, partly explain this union actors underworld.

"Obviously, the return of Vito Rizzuto led everyone to try to establish its territory, but it is a phenomenon that can not be attributed to one person. It is a situation. "

The emergence of this new kind of conglomerate was going on since last summer. On the evening of August 10, the head of Bo-Gars, "Big" Chenier Dupuy, was shot in the parking lot of Galeries d'Anjou. In previous days, the veteran gang allegiance "red" was categorically opposed to a business alliance with the "blues", proposed by a man of the Hells Angels, Gregory Wooley, during a meeting he had convened and multi gang leaders in a bar in Sainte-Adèle.

For Dupuy, it was not a matter of working with what he called "the licheux of bécyc" (bikers). Since it is the calm in street gangs.

For cons, the Montreal Mafia was marked by seven murders over the last four months.

"We take it very seriously and we must remain vigilant, said the director Parent. Our police Eclipse group play an important role in the field. Our whole world is engaged and we share our information with our partners in other police forces. "

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