Who do you guys think are some of the biggest earners currently? And what are they're rackets/hustles/schemes? Whether its a sports book, shy book, drugs, white collar fraud, unions, extortion or all of the above. I've always been interested in the thing that "tore" locascio and richard "richie" martino had going on, which included andrew campo(s). Tore started some little company with the gift money he got from his wedding, anyways they start pulling the phone cramming and some internet credit card charge shit.. Needless to say they make a fucking killing.. When they got busted I think they were claiming tore and his crew were pulling in like 500 million for the gambinos from that stuff they had going on.. Another one although I don't really know what he's into is scarfo jr. Seems like he makes a rediculous amount of money... So give your opinions people.. Curious to hear.