Originally Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti
Originally Posted By: Skinny
I dont get whats the difference between probation and supervised release?

Supervised Release your going to have to report they come to your house they can do that with probation but its not mandatory it depends on what type of probation your on Ex. Reporting Probation or Non-Reporting

I mentioned this in another thread. NJ has whats called the "Intensive Supervision Program". You get released from prison but the PO controls your life. It's very Intensive as the name say's. I think this is the program Drew Micali got out on after he was sentenced to 5 years NJ state time. They pretty much control every aspect of your life for the duration of the sentence, but i guess it's better then being in prison.

It's really not parole, after you enter the prison system to begin serving your sentence you can apply for the program.

Other states might have similar programs, but i'm just familiar with the one in NJ.

Here's the official site for the program.
