Originally Posted By: klydon1
You'd appreciate this, MaryCas. I was driving from my home to Wilkes-Barre yesterday afternoon to bring something to my son at college. It was sunny and mild when I left the Harrisburg area, but an hour later as I was passing Hazleton, temps dropped to the low 20s and a few flurries started. I met my son a half hour later as snow was picking up. We went out for a quick slice of pizza and a visit. I got back to the highway as a full blizzard started. It took me 3 hours to drive the 40 miles from WB to Frackville where the snow had suddenly stopped. I drove the last 50 miles and there was no sign of a snowflake.

Frackville-where hell meets heaven. I've had many scary rides in Poconos. Climb the hills and weather changes...usually for the worse.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12