Originally Posted By: marine
Tell me about it 22..WHAT the F$%&k is this guy smokin..Or is cheech a mob boy..What part of stealin from Top job trash co. for 6-9 years dont you hear cheech..And i gave him 4yrs of work..what about the other 5 cheech..? How about the free benifits APX 220,000 worth cheech..? those puss!es dont deserve that over me and you to cheech..!What part of stainboy tellin the fbi agent "I got gorrillas to chop you up" didnt you u hear that cheech...?SO I GUESS THIER WALKIN HOW cheech..HOWHOWHOW.. cant even talk to cheech because they will kick mee off of these boards, and then i wont be able to talk on the sports boards.. i dont even read these mob boards that much anymore.. but some people are acting like these people are inniocent...Haha howhow..?READ the F$%#!N charges ..what part of them you dont under F&%$!N stand...AND if they do accidently WALK...GUESS what 3 of them still F#$%!N GUILTY PERIOD..!GUILTY!

also i respect your opinion and i whole heartedly want to thank you for the service u provided for me, my family, and your country when you were in combat...thank you very much...i mean that sincerely....hope you have a great day

When Interpol?