Originally Posted By: 22
I bet there are a lot of widows and fatherless kids across S.Philly that wish this was just about gambling and loan-sharking.Somehow I don't feel like the last 50 mobsters in S.Philly died of natural causes.So the next time somebody says the Feds should be trying to get the guns off the street,your right but make sure its ALL the guns.

Yeah, I completely agree. People just gotta take off the blinders.

It's fine to say, "The Feds should go after the dope pushers and the murderers." But when the wiseguys ARE the dope pushers and the murderers, then people should at least be consistent and say as much.

And I'm obviously not referencing this case. This case has nothing to do with drugs or murders (on the surface, anyway).

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.