Sean, provisional IRA have a part in this as well.

1. You seem to think the Real IRA has the muscle to take gangs.

2. You seem to think the Real IRA are winning when evidence or press reports says other wise.

3. I am going on the facts i see in the say the war has not even got going yeah ? since 2010 this war has been going on like all wars there has been lull from time to time.

4. Since 2010 the Criminal Action Force has killed the Real IRA leader Alan Ryan and their top him man Daniel Gaynor two years apart, from what we can see other people have been shot in pub attacks, there has been bomb attacks on Real IRA.

If you ask me this has been one sided war. you refer to history of IRA with examples, but the firepower of gangland Ireland is like never before. when the Real IRA do some action it is to liberate you say when criminals do some thing there bad guys ?

We used to root for the Indians against the cavalry, because we didn't think it was fair in the history books that when the cavalry won it was a great victory, and when the Indians won it was a massacre. ~Dick Gregory.

Last edited by abc123; 01/17/13 01:53 PM.