Of course they're free. They're innocent until proven guilty. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be? Just b/c they come in with these huge blitzes and arrest 100 or more guys at a time doesn't mean a thing. More times than not, they hold them for awhile and little by little or all at once, they're let go. Why? They couldn't find the evidence they thought they could. Or more likely, they couldn't find the rat out of the men to catch the big fish they really wanted.

I'm so sick and tired of this guilty until proven innocent bullshit. I've had a family member arrested for 30 days, another for 19 months. Both to be released after not finding out what they wanted and nothing to convict them on. That's only 2 out of so many I know of. Then they'll throw some money at you for lost time, wages, etc.

La madre degli idioti e' sempre incinta.