1. CAFF thing is wafer thin trust me

2. They whack out Eamon Kelly one of the few unifying influences in the city.

Well Alan Ryan and Real IRA were thinking CAF was wafer thin ? and before the Real IRA knew it Criminal Action Force ran them out of Dublin. Eamon Kelly was an old name with out power on the ground the Real IRA did an attack on him two years ago what did he do about it ? the CAF have said he was never a member nor had any part with CAF ever, unifying influence ? i do not think so, sure an other member of the Kelly gang was shot by Real IRA and again they did not hit back at Real IRA the Criminal Action Force shot dead this hit man Daniel Gaynor, if Kelly had so much influence the first attempt to kill him and his gang member who was also shot would not have went unpunished, the fact it did go unpunished was in it self evidence that Kelly had no influence and the Real IRA knew this and hit him.

Last edited by abc123; 01/14/13 12:11 PM.