Does anyone have a picture of Michael Orlando - they could come down with the verdict tomorrow after a long weekend...must be difficult to keep someone like Borgesi in for more time at this point. His major mistake was trusting Bent Finger .. don't understand why he wouldn't have his brother or someone closer to the fam that was proven. Think Scoops walks and the same for Dame .. Staino Ligambi and Moussie have the video poker to get by which is probably the one that will stick the most. Could mean long sentences for those two with their priors. Makes the street scene quite interesting now and wondering who runs the street with the big guy in south Florida. I know everyone is saying Johnny Chang but one more pinch and he's gone for good - cant see him risking; same said for Mazzone. Would expect a few new names to rise up with Joeys blessing also throwing a bone to some of the older guys getting out and on the street.