I seem to agree with most the main guys[Mousie,Staino,and Ligambi] are getting something.Damion and Battaglini I think a little something and Licata and Borgesi may walk.I agree that Monacello's attitude probably hurt more than it helped.Now there's a guy without too much of a criminal past except for the Delco Gambling charge.If he had just kept his mouth shut he probably would have gotten off lightley,but the fact that he couldn't do no time at all he panics and co-operates.Now he's a marked man,not that he's in physical danger but what's he going to do with the rest of his life now.South Philly and the Jersey shore are only so big.He could have maned up,did his time and he probably would have been made when he got out.I mean that was his dream at one time according to him.He blew it.