Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
I wonder how many people will buy the Hagel=Nazi kool aid?

Well, calling him a Nazi is an overreaction, and I'm sure that some of the Obama haters will call him as much. But Hagel is a curious choice, Ronnie.

At the very least, negotiations with Jerusalem are sure to get a bit frosty. Hagel's famous non-denial (does a non-denial make it safe to assume that it was true?) of making the statement "let the Jews pay for it," will surely bite him in the ass. And his constant referral to "the Jewish lobby" isn't going to help his cause much, either.

In the past he has also shown an insensitivity towards gays as well, Ronnie. And I know that, even if the Israel stuff doesn't bother you, the remarks that he made about James Hormel back in the '90s have to bug you at least a little bit.

So in my opinion, if the President was looking for a righty to assuage some of the Republican base, he could have made a less controversial choice. But there's no denying his military background. So that kind of makes it a push in my opinion.

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