Originally Posted By: Southphilly13
I never say anything personal to anyone on here but Dick your jus retarded....Your probably like a 65 year old guy with no life, family or friends.... You get on this blog and just talk about things that you have no clue about.... You think you know everything about everything. I'm happy to hear that a pizza delivery guy in Tennessee averages 300 a day... So your telling me if this guy works 5 days a week, he makes 6k a month?? LMFAO!!! 72k a year delivering pizza...your even more retarded then i thought....But once again no one gives a shit. The topic is.. are the philly guys gonna beat these charges? Not... My buddies parents have a pizza delivery guy that makes 300 a day...which you are probably lying about, cause you don't have no friends. What happened to not making anymore comments until after the verdict??

The Philly Mob is a joke. They spent a million on Gavones and the place got busted up in what 2 years...The crime family has burned every bridge into NJ and NY with turncoat testimony..no one wants to give anyone a slice of the pie look at the leaders that they muscle in on micila's poker machine racket.. its a joke for cris sake why do you think so many good families left the area you got a bunch of two bit gangsters driving a car thats worth at much as their row home to impress people ..steal!! steal!! Steal!!! What about the deli in Packard Park we take ACCESS ...Free Goba Goo Free Cigarettes ...

Random Poster:"I'm sorry I didn't go to an Ivy-league school like you"

"Ah I actually I didn't. It's a nickname the feds gave the
Genovese Family."